For The Detail Modeling Enthusiast
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Ath-99031   Genesis motor mount (with 2 mounting screws)

Ath-99031 Genesis motor mount (with 2 mounting screws)


Some Athearn  stock frames may or may not have to be modified by machining to fit Genesis motor mount and motor. Once the frame is machined, motor just bolts into frame with Genesis mount. If enough people are interested we can sell modified frames or you could send your frame in to be modified. Modified frame prices will vary depending on the amount of machining that has to be done. Average pricing would run about $45.00 + return shipping cost. We will be posting pictures of different Athearn frames so you can see variations in the amount of machining and possibly do it yourself. Being able to install Genesis motors in your RTR Athearn locos is a great upgrade. We have plenty of stock on Genesis motors and flywheel assemblies. We will probably come up with some package pricing deals if modified frames or modifying your frame plus Genesis motors are bought at the same time.

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