For The Detail Modeling Enthusiast
#19261 - "N" Hobby-Tote Set of Five "Low" Containers
Containers come with dividers.
#19250 - Nylon Case Only for 'HO' & 'N' - Holds 4 "High" or 5 "Low" Boxes Or can also hold 2 "high" and 3 "Low".
#19250-CAMO - Nylon CAMO Case Only for 'HO' & 'N' - Holds 4 "High" or 5 "Low" Boxes Or can also hold 2 "high" and 3 "Low".
#19251 - 'HO' Hobby-Tote Set of Two "High" Containers
#19252 - 'HO' Hobby-Tote Set of Four "High" Containers