RPM Other Meets
Other Meets |
We will help promote RPM Meets here. It is the responsibility of the local RPM Group to provide basic information regarding date(s) and location. Each Group should have a current website or Facebook page with more details. A fair amount of the links to the different meets had to be remove because they didn't work. If you have current links to these meets let us know. E-mail: ppw-aline@att.net (with the link and current name of meet)
Bay Area Prototype Modelers | http://www.bayareaprototypemodelers.net |
Central Ohio Prototype Modelers Meet |
https://www.facebook.com/groups/438383252883060/ https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/centralohiorpm/conversations/messages |
Craftsman Structure Show | http://www.csc11.net |
Garden State RPM | http://hansmanns.org/ld-op-nj/index.htm |
Mid-Atlantic Prototype Modelers | www.MARPM.org |
Mid Continent Prototype Modelers | http://www.midcontinentprototypemodelers.org |
New England/Northeast Prototype Modelers | http://www.neprototypemeet.com |
Northeastern Fallen Flags Prototype Modelers | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/neffrpm |
Pacific Northwest Railroad Prototype Modelers | http://www.northwestrpm.com/ |
Prototype Rails - Cocoa Beach | http://prototyperails.com |
Railroad Prototype Modelers East |
http://www.hansmanns.org/rpm_east/index.htm |
Railroad Prototype Modelers Naperville, IL |
http://www.rpmconference.com |
Railroad Prototype Modelers Valley Forge | http://www.rpmvalleyforge.com/ |
Rails by the River - Pacific Northwest | http://railsbytheriver.com |
Rocky Mountain Prototype Modelers | http://www.rockymountainprototypemodelers.org |
Saint Joe Valley Prototype Modelers Meet | http://www.sjvrr.com/pmm.php |
St. Louis RPM | http://www.icgdecals.com/stlrpm/ |
South Eastern States Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet | http://www.rpmcarolinasgreensboro.org |
Western Prototype Modelers Meet | http://railroadprototypemodelers.com |