#70321 - Diesel Re-Powering Kit -1833 motor and flywheels - ball couplings- (See Description)
#70321 - Diesel Re-Powering Kit -1833 motor and flywheels - ball couplings- (See Description)
Fits all Athearn units (except SW's, GP38, 40 &50), all Rail Power Products units, Life Like and Model Power F40PH, Front Range GP7/GP9, Mantua GP20, Lionel/Bachmann GP30, Model Power Con-Cor, Rivarossi and Cary E-units, Cary F3 and FT, Bachmann F9
Each easy-to-install A-Line Diesel Repowering Kit includes a Mashima flat can motor, precision machined brass flywheels (Athearn ball coupling installed in each flywheel, cplings #12030
Flywheels are not attached to motor, they are a slip fit and use our flywheel cement #20010